I have found the older I have gotten, the more I have experienced and the more I understand this quote - "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain".
What's My Story?
7 years ago I lost my best friend to cancer. She was a little younger than I am now (I'm 37) and left 4 young children behind. Our friendship was not anything I can explain, all I can relate to is her words that we were 'soul sisters'. Her diagnoses through to death was just over 6 months. Things were quick and although I was prepared it didn't stop me feeling completely lost on what life was for me. Truth be told If I hadn't just had my son I would have felt no purpose at all. I'm not even sure what would have happened next for me.

The next 12 months are a bit of a blur until the moment when I remember literally 'walking in the rain'. It was a winters day and I decided to take a walk for a bit of exercise around our area. It was cold but I was rugged up and knew (well thought) I would soon warm up. Just shy of a couple of blocks the cold wind kicked in and the hail started coming. I had spent the previous 20 minutes to that thinking about my friend and what had happened. When that rain and wind kicked in I put on my hood and had an instant revelation, a purpose.
If you know me you know I hate the cold, actually I despise it lol That day however I revelled in it. In that instant moment, it was like something instantly clicked and I found purpose. I wasnt 100% sure what it was, but I knew that I wanted to 'start living' and I wanted to enjoy everything it would throw at me. No matter how good or bad that may be.
I saw the world in a completely different way. I started to think clearly. I realized that we have chapters in our lives and once one is finished another starts. I all of a sudden felt ok about that. I instantly knew every moment is part of our own individual journey. It is either a lesson to be learnt or a stepping stone to another. I spoke out allowed for that cold hail to come at me with all its might. No matter what it was throwing at me I was enjoying that cold wind and hail on my face. I had complete gratitude for that moment and I've had it for every moment since. I instantly learnt to stop dwelling on the bad moments 'waiting for the storm to pass' and just learn to accept them and 'dance in the rain'.
Its so hard for me to explain exactly how my mind sees the world now and to be honest I'm not sure anyone would understand if I tried. All I hope is that who ever is reading this can look at this and get a little bit of clarity like I did in that one moment. Know to stop the worry, the sadness, the anger, the stress, the hate and see what the bigger picture is. Give gratitude every day for every moment. Live it like you havn't lived it before. - Afterall ... "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain".
If you want to remind yourself everyday to 'dance in the rain' then you can print this 2pk Inspirational Printable in the This Mum At Home shop now. VIP Lounge Members don't forget you get it FREE using your shop code!